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Version: Express SDK 1.3

Json Response

The response object is sent to the callback url and contains data relevant to the financial operation. It contains relevant information, extra parameters, a representation of the TransactionResult object returned from our native libraries and any error that occurred.

It is formatted in JSON and structured as a collection of "name":"value" pairs. Values are always a string except in the cases where the value is a boolean or another collection of "name":"value" pairs.

The response will be packed and added to your callbackUrl in the following format https://your_callback_url?data=<packed_response_data> in a GET request.

<packed_response_data> is a JSON string that has been URL encoded to make it safe to use as a GET parameter.

Response sample

{ "metadata": {
"appVersion": "1.0.0",
"systemInfo": {
"osName": "Windows 7 Home edition",
"deviceName": "PP917838383832",
"internetConnectionType": [
"protocolVersion": "v1"
"transactionResult": {
"statusMessage": "AUTH CODE 12345",
"type": "SALE",
"finStatus": "AUTHORISED",
"requestedAmount": "1000",
"gratuityAmount": "000",
"gratuityPercentage": "0",
"totalAmount": "1000",
"currency": "USD",
"transactionID": "00021010001-10033331231",
"eftTransactionID": "778799887-77798987-798798878887888",
"originalEftTransactionID": "778799887-77798987-798798878887888",
"eftTimestamp": "1476113261",
"authorisationCode": "155884656588899",
"verificationMethod": "PIN",
"cardEntryType": "ICC",
"cardSchemeName": "VISA",
"errorMessage": "No error",
"customerReference": "0000000",
"budgetNumber": "0",
"recoveredTransaction": false,
"cardTypeId": "U015",
"merchantReceipt": "https://url_to_merchant_receipt",
"customerReceipt": "https://url_to_customer_receipt"
"deviceStatus": {
"serialNumber": "615856933558",
"batteryStatus": "100%",
"batterymV": "234",
"batteryCharging": "Charging",
"externalPower": "Connected",
"applicationName": "EFTClient",
"applicationVersion": "2.15.789"
"extraParameters" : {}

Metadata fields

appVersionstringA string representation of the client version.
systemInfoobjectAn object containing info about the Express client.
protocolVersionstringA string representation of the Express protocol version used in this request.

SystemInfo fields

osNamestringA string containing the name and version of the OS the client is running in.
deviceNamestringA string containing the Bluetooth name of the card reader.
internetConnectionTypearrayA list of the available internet connection methods.